10 Fundamentals of Training For Tactical Athletes

1. Gym work translates to keeping you safe on the job.

The main objective for any training type needs to be an overall increase in performance, durability, and life preservation. When the training has been programmed right and implemented correctly, each athlete will increase strength, power, and mobility. This will increase your overall performance ensure durability with an end goal of being there for your family, unit, partner, and friends.


2. Your Training Needs Specific For Your Work Needs.

Within each unit, there are specific demands that are placed on each job. Addressing these demands and including training areas to strengthen these issues is crucial for an increase in overall performance.


3. The needs, wants, weaknesses, strengths, and opinions of the individual athlete are not a concern.

Program to the event or mission, not the individual athlete. You best serve the athlete by training to the mission-direct fitness demands. Your programming should not alter to keep them entertained, improve their appearance, prepare them for a recreational event, or improve their non-mission performance for a specific fitness goal. Eventually, all athletes want “special” treatment, to try something different or new, or have you coach someone else’s programming. Don’t reward their inattention to what is important. Stick to your programming.


4. Progress comes from a consistent periodize program to gain results.

A proper yearly program that addresses smaller specific goals within each 4 to the 6-week program allows for growth for the athlete. A periodized program allows for peaking for specific moments within the year; this is good because it allows for growth with fewer injuries within the training program.


5.All training and programs need to be as simple as.

Your training does not need to be complicated; the simpler, the better. You don’t need to be in the gym for three hours an hour at the max; typically, my athletes are done with their programs within 45 minutes, and we do not waste time. The intensity is brought each time without wasting time by talking. 

6.  Compound Movements

Compound movements are essential in all gym programs. Compound movements allow multiple groups of muscles to be involved in each lift, such as the squat; this allows for a better translation from the gym to work-related or sport-specific needs.

7. Your Training Results Come Back

Your body has a particular memory of gym training and sport-specific work. If you are focused on a military fitness assessment and worried you would lose your gains, a good training program on both ends your results and PR’s in the gym will come back quickly.


8. Specific Designed program based on your Assessment

Each athlete is unique, and there are specific strengths and weaknesses each athlete brings to the gym. A specific program that first assesses your strengths through an assessment than a program geared towards two things 1) Addressing the strengths and weakness of the athlete 2) Training needs to be specific towards work-specific needs.


9. Include Gym training and technical practice

The main goal for training is making sure you and your partners come home safely. To ensure your training translates to on-field work, include the practical technical skills needed to ensure the new strength and mobility earned from the gym keeps you safe in the field.


10. Win Each Day.

Win each day by putting forth the effort as well as evaluate your training. To ensure your body is getting better, make sure to change up the training. Allow the body to adapt to new demands and exercises. This allows each athlete to grow and become better.