Barbell Shrug

The barbell shrug is an exercise targeting the traps (trapezius muscles). It is popular in strength and muscle-focused upper-body training, and is often trained on a shoulder day. With the assistance of straps, it can be loaded heavily, but it is still usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-10 reps per set.


  1. Works the shoulders and upper-back muscles secondarily
  2. Adds both size and strength to traps
  3. Barbell version allows you to overload more easily
  4. Can increase the difficulty by adding a pause at the top
  • Type: Strength
  • Main Muscle Worked: Traps
  • Equipment: Barbell
  • Level: Intermediate




  1. Lie on the floor with two kettlebells next to your shoulders.
  2. Position one in place on your chest and then the other, gripping the kettlebells on the handle with the palms facing forward.
  3. Extend both arms, so that the kettlebells are being held above your chest. Lower one kettlebell, bringing it to your chest, and turn the wrist in the direction of the locked-out kettlebell.
  4. Raise the kettlebell and repeat on the opposite side.

Barbell Shrug Images
